To start

Appetizer, a little bit of me through my most representative photographic works.


About Me

Since I have always been interested in new technologies, born as it were with a computer under his arm, and since childhood I was passionate about computer science.
Now, with all this knowledge that gives you an engineering, I am dedicated to web development. We must be continually learning and this is what I like.
I combine this profession with my passion for photography and something that almost goes hand in hand, video editing. While all this breakdance been practicing for more than six years ago, it is what helps me to disconnect from the world.
Here you have trying to be as objective as my personal assessment of my web skills possible.

  • (db) MongoDb, Redis, Elasticsearch, MySQL
  • (js) Nodejs, sails, kraken
  • (js) React, Angular, reason
  • (devop) Docker, Kubernetes, ci/cd
  • (+) Go, Elm, C++, python

This is a little short, if you want to see the full rundown, do not forget to enter on my linkedIn, you will see that this is very succinct. In addition you can check my <a href=''>Github</a> to check what I'am building today.

Full-Stack Developer: Seedtag

2020 - Now

Full stack developer ReasonML, Typescript




  • MongoDB
  • Paypal API
  • Backend: NodeJS / Typescript
  • Frontend: PWA / ReactJS / NextJS
  • Backoffice: UmiJS
  • Headless CMS: Strapi
  • Stats: Grafana
  • Devops: Kubernetes,Docker,Traefik
  • Info

Freelance: BHPA UK



  • MongoDB
  • Backend: NodeJS,Typescript
  • Front: Angular2
  • DevOps: Kubernetes,Docker

Full-Stack Developer: BPM&SOA Solutions

2015 - 2020

Full stack developer, mainly in Javascript/Typescript.
DevOps staff with Docker and kubernetes

  • Javascript/Typescript
  • NodeJS / Mongo / SQL / OracleDB
  • Docker / Kubernetes / Jenkins / Cloud

Full-Stack Developer: BizAway



  • Angular 1 / socketIO
  • NodeJs / Javascript
  • mongoDb / redis / elasticSearch

Full-Stack Developer: BidAway

2013 - 2016


  • Stripe / Paypal / Adyen / Trustly / Braintree
  • Symfony2 / SASS / socketIO
  • IONIC (Angular 1)
  • NodeJs / MongoDb / redis / elasticSearch

Freelance: Freelance


Old works:

Workshops Photography / Photoshop: Mecarural

2014 - 2016

Courses from initiation, basic and advanced skills.

Telecommunications Technical Engineer: UPNA


Technical engineering degree in telecommunications specialist image and sound

Photographer and videographer: Ziberfoto


Weddings, communions, baptisms, meetings

Can we talk?

Questions? Here is my contact

Daniel Biedma Ramos

Developer & Consultant
(+34) 680 48 84 86
[email protected]